Report Irregularities in a Disbursing Agent’s Account

Conditions: You discover an irregularity in a disbursing officers’ account. You have access to:
a. DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14-R, Vol 5, Disbursing Policy and Procedures.
b. Supporting documentation, forms, and ledgers.
c. Calculator.
d. General office supplies.
e. DD Form 2665, Daily Agent Accountability Summary.
f. Disbursing Officers previous day DD Form 2657, Daily Statement of Accountability.
g. Cashier’s previous day DD Form 2667, Subsidiary Accountability Record.
This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.

Standards: Initiate action to report an irregularity with 100% accuracy.
a. Identify the type of irregularity.
b. Ensure the accountable individual takes action upon discovery of an irregularity.
c. Take action (as the Disbursing Officer) upon discovery of an irregularity.
d. Inform the chain of command upon discovery of an irregularity.
e. Record a major physical loss of funds.
f. Record a minor physical loss of funds.
g. Process an illegal, incorrect, or improper payment.
h. Record an overage of funds.
