Perform Datastore Functions

Action: Create an Ad Hoc Query

Conditions: In a classroom environment, given a set of data elements, a computer with access to the internet, access to the Datastore training database, corresponding regulatory guidance, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables, and actors.

Standard: Create, View, and Modify Ad Hoc Queries

Lesson Content

perform emilpo and datastore functions summary of changes

agbolc final datastore lp jun 15

agbolc datastore slides

agbolc datastore pe1

agbolc datastore pe1 ak

agbolc datastore pe2

agbolc datastore wq ver a jun 15

agbolc datastore wq ver b ak nov 15

agbolc datastore wq ver b nov 15

agbolc datastore pe blank answer sheet

agbolc datastore pe we ak 20150902

agbolc datastore wq pe 20150902

agbolc datastore slides

agbolc datastore wq ver a ak 20160303

agbolc datastore pe2 ak
