Action: Conditions: Standard: Lesson Content References
Category: AGWOAC
Coordinate Theater Postal Operations
Action: Coordinate Theater Postal Operations Conditions: Given operational scenarios and case study using facilitator guided discussion; draw on personal experiences, multimedia presentation, class discussions, references, class notes, and Contemporary Operational Environment (COE) variables and actors. Standard: Students will meet the minimum standard of 70% or higher in accuracy when they: Define the doctrinal overview of… Continue reading Coordinate Theater Postal Operations
Develop Human Resources Key Performance Indicators
Action: Prepare a HR Web Metrics Report Conditions: Given classroom instruction and access to AKO and awareness of Operational environment (OE) Standard: Students will meet the standard when they score 70% or higher on a knowledge based final exam covering the following learning activities: Understand HR Metrics Intent Locate and understand the primary HR Metrics… Continue reading Develop Human Resources Key Performance Indicators
Action: Conditions: Standard: Lesson Content References
Action: Identify the capabilities of Common Operating Picture Synchronizer (COPS) Conditions: Given MILPER Message #05-214, computer, and internet access in a classroom environment and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standard: Accurately perform the capabilities of COPS and utilize the applications of COPS without error. Lesson Content References FM 1-0 (Human Resource Support)… Continue reading COPS
Communicate Theater HR Operations
Action: Direct Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) Operations Conditions: Given access to FM 1-0 (HR Support), ADP 3-0 Unified Land Operations (Operations) and ADP 5-0 (The Operations Process) and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standard: Students will meet the standard by scoring 70% or higher on a knowledge based exam that includes the… Continue reading Communicate Theater HR Operations
Coordinate Personnel Readiness Management
Action: Coordinate Personnel Readiness Management Conditions: Using readings, classroom discussions, presentations and doctrinal publications and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. Standard: Upon completion, the student will be able to: Define, discuss, and apply important PRM terms, facts, concepts, principles, analytic techniques, and theories. Discuss the relevance and application of HQDA Army Manning… Continue reading Coordinate Personnel Readiness Management