Casualty Practical Exercise

Special Instructions:

This Practical Exercise is broken down into different levels tailored to different audiences. Please select the level given to you by your instructor to proceed.





In this level you will be presented with a casualty scenario and asked to populate a Casualty Operations Flow Chart appropriately.





In this level you will be presented with a casualty scenario and asked to fill out Casualty Feeder Cards and populate a Casualty Operations Flow Chart appropriately.





In this level you will be presented with a casualty scenario and asked to fill out Casualty Feeder Cards using data from an external training database and populate a Casualty Operations Flow Chart appropriately.


Human Resource Officers can be tasked with no greater responsibility then ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the Army Casualty Program.  Casualty Operations is the most sensitive and visible missions within the Human Resources field.  In this exercise you will demonstrate ability to verify a DA Form 1156 and/or determine the Doctrinal Casualty Flow.  You will need AR 600-8-1 Army Casualty Program, FM 1-0 Human Resources Support and the Serious Incident report if completing both activities.