Human Resources Sustainment Center

Note: Show SlideHuman Resources Sustainment Center:

INTRODUCTION. The HRSC is a multifunctional, modular SRC 12 organization (staff element), and theater-level center assigned to a TSC that integrates and executes PA, casualty, and postal functions throughout the theater and as defined by the policies and priorities established by the ASCC G-1/AG.

MOTIVATOR. The HRSC is a critical theater-level planning and coordinating element for the delivery of HR support. The HRSC has the ability to tailor its organization to support the TSC theater-wide HR mission, as well as supporting other theater-level organizations such as a CJTF headquarters. The success, or failure, of HR support can hinge on the HRSC's ability to plan, coordinate, and integrate personnel accountability, casualty, and postal functions throughout the theater. An HRSC staff assignment requires that HR professionals possess additional and specialized skill sets not normally found in a traditional brigade S-1 environment.

Enabling Learning Objective 2

Note: Show Slide Enabling Learning Objective 2:

NOTE: Review ELO#2 with students.

ACTION: Define Human Resources Sustainment Center Mission and Structure

CONDITIONS: Given access to FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), FM 4-0 (Sustainment) and FM 4-94 (Theater Sustainment Command)

STANDARD: Demonstrate an understanding of HRSC mission, structure, critical functions, and capabilities through classroom participation, completing individual/group practical exercises, and scoring 70% or higher on the HR Plans and Operations final exam.

Why do we Need an HROB and HRSC?

Note: Show Slide Why do we Need an HROB and HRSC?:

With PSDR, the Army's HR operations changed to support transformation and to improve the delivery of HR support in the deployed theater. Prior to transformation, theater HR operations involved planning and integrating HR support and the command and control (C2) of HR units.

The decision to remove the SRC 12 organizations providing most of the HR support in the deployed environment created significant challenges for the HR system. Previously, personnel units (PSBs) operated the HR system supporting divisions and corps troops and reported to a personnel commander (PERSCOM) executing HR operations at the theater/ASCC level, which linked directly to the NHRP for execution and guidance. The HR system required personnel organizations to operate personnel automation systems and input manual transactions. Eliminating these organizations created a void in the HR system and the need to seek new delivery methods for HR support from unit to the NHRP level.

The HROB and HRSC were designed to fill the Theater HR planning and oversight functions. The HRSC provides support to the ASCC G-1/AG in the accomplishment of their PRM and PIM missions. They provide planning and operations technical support to the TSC Distribution Management Center. The HRSC also provides theater-wide technical guidance and training assistance for PA, casualty, and postal functions performed by TG PATs, MMT Teams, HR companies, platoons, and the HROB in the SB and ESC.


Note: Show Slide HRSC Link to TSC SPO:

Key HRSC tasks that require synchronization and coordination with the TSC SPO and/or TSC G-3.

The end product of this integration effort is synchronized and coordinated HR support to Army forces that sustains operational readiness; and a unity of effort that reduces the HR impact on logistics resources.

HRSC Organizational Design

Note: Show Slide HRSC Organizational Design:

Possible Future HRSC Organizational Design

Note: Slide show Possible Future HRSC Organizational Design:

Note: No notes for this slide

HRSC Critical Functions

Note: Show Slide HRSC Critical Functions:

NOTE: The HRSC also provides technical guidance and support to the MMT and TG PAT. HR companies and platoons receive both technical and operational guidance from the supporting HROB.

Plans and Operations Division

Note: Show Slide Plans and Operations Division:

2-62. The Plans and Operations Division provides the HRSC Director the capability to manage current operational requirements and planning for both long and short range HR operations. The division develops and maintains internal HR plans and policies for training HR organizations. It also manages internal deployment plans and contingency operations as well as internal mission support, plans and execution of support operations. Specific responsibilities of the Plans and Operations Division are to:

PA / PRM / PIM Division

Note: Show Slide PA / PRM / PIM Division:

2-63. The PA/PRM/PIM Division produces data, reports, and other information required for the analysis of SR, casualty, postal, and PAT operations. Specific responsibilities of the PA/PRM/PIM are to:

Casualty Operations Division

Note: Show Slide Casualty Operations Division:

2-64. The COD establishes the theater CAC and manages casualty reporting within the theater IAW policies established by the ASCC G-1/AG. Specific responsibilities of the COD are to:

Postal Operations Division

Note: Show Slide Postal Operations Division:

2-65. The POD provides postal assistance and technical guidance to HROBs and HR companies and ensures they are in compliance with postal operations policies and regulations. The POD directly supports the execution of the theater postal policy and the EPW mail mission. The POD ensures appropriate postal resources are identified to support the theater postal mission. Specific responsibilities of the POD are to:

RSO Operations Division

Note: Show Slide RSO Operations Division:

2-66. The RSO Division is responsible for planning and providing technical guidance, and maintaining visibility of personnel transiting inter/intra theater APOD/APOE. Specific roles and responsibilities of the RSO Division are to:



Theater HR support operations are complex and involve the integrated actions of various G-1/AG staff sections, HR units and staff elements found in sustainment organizations, and the S-1 sections operating within battalion and brigade units.

B-3. Effective, accurate, and timely HR support during theater opening requires the same detailed preparation, and planning required in all military operations. They must be initiated as early as possible within operational timelines. Chapter 6, HR Planning and Operations, provides detailed information on planning and discusses the specific and critical HR functions and capabilities required during the initial phase (theater opening) of operations that must be considered during the MDMP process.

B-4. HR capabilities required by HR support elements/personnel in theater opening include those tasks that are performed as part of the RSO&I process and include:

NOTE: The graphic in the upper left of the slide is an example of how complex Theater Opening operations can be. Have students review and facilitate discussion on employment/location of HR organizations and the various support requirements (e.g., RSOI, PAT, casualty operations, etc.) during each phase.


Note: Show Slide Takeaways:

NOTE: Use this slide to facilitate student centered discussion on theater level HR and doctrinal application to real-world TTPs (these bullets were taken from a 14th HRSC briefing and are real-world takeaways from their last deployment).

Check on Learning

Note: Show Slide Check on Learning:

NOTE: Conduct Check on Learning and summarize ELO#3.