Financial Management Support
Unit |
WTSP 14-TS-2112 Conduct Internal Control Section Activities |
Condition: Financial
elements are deployed in support of United States (U.S.) and allied units
engaged in Unified Land Operations in the theater. Finance elements are
providing the full range of financial support for Soldiers, Department of
Defense (DOD) Civilians, local nationals and allied units, as appropriate.
Funds are provided for local procurement contracts and commercial vending
operations. Internal audit controls are implemented to ensure proper
accounting of all funds and expenditures. Local standing operating procedures
(SOP), AR 11-2, DFAS-IN REG 37-1, DODFMR 7000.14-R, FM 1-06, JFTR Volume 1,
and JTR Volume II are available. Conventional attacks by hostile aircraft and
operations by ground elements are possible. Threat capabilities include information
gathering, hostile force sympathizers, and terrorist activities in a
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high yield Explosives (CBRNE)
environment. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4. Standard: All
internal control procedures are in place and fully operational within 48
hours of the unit commencing financial operations or as the tactical
situation allows per local SOP and AR 11-2. Control procedures are used in
accordance with the unit standing operating procedures, governing
regulations, and command guidance. Reasonable assurance that obligations and
costs are in compliance with applicable laws; funds, property, and other
assets are safeguarded against waste, loss, unauthorized use, or
misappropriation; revenues and expenditures are properly recorded and
accounted for; and programs are efficiently and effectively carried out
according to the applicable law and internal control policy. |
Tasks |
Collective Tasks |
Supporting Individual Tasks |
Supporting Lessons |
Conduct Internal
Control Operations (FMSU) |
Financial Management Review |
Lesson Plan (LP)1, LP2, Practical Exercise
(PE), PE Answer Key
(AK), Role Play PE
Scenario (Scen) 1, Supplemental
(Suppl) PE Scen 1, Role Play (RP) PE
Scen 2, Suppl PE Scen 2, Role (RP) PE Scen
3, Suppl PE Scen 3, RP PE Scen 4, Suppl PE Scen 4, AR 11-37, AR 11-2, Handout (HO)1, HO2 |
Determine the
Principles of the Management Internal Control Program (MICP) |
Pay DoD DFAS Training Videos Resources |
Product |
Title |
ATP 4-93 |
DFAS-IN 37-1 |
37-100-FY |
DODFMR 7000.14-R |
Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRS) (Volumes 1-15) |
FM 1-06 |
All Resources can be found at the Army's Publishing Directorate: |