What is an Operations Work Order in GFEBS?

Operations Work Order

GFEBS Plant Maintenance Process Overview


An OWO is a GFEBS Plant Maintenance work order type that executes the Common Level of Support (CLS) work, previously referred to as Standing Operations Orders (SOO) work type. This work is normally constant and predictable work.


In GFEBS a Common Level Support Project is created with WBS(s) for each CLS item, such as lawn maintenance, tree trimming, pest control, etc. These CLS project structures are utilized from year to year. The Line of Accounting (LOA) associated to the CLS project provides the funding for OWO work order execution.


OWO(s) are the work orders that are utilized to execute the specific common level of support work and are funded through a specific CLS Project WBS. Normally, these work orders remain open for the specific fiscal year.


OWO(s) are executed and managed in Plant Maintenance.