805C-42A1302 Lesson Content:
Category: HR Specialist AIT
Interpret Army Publication
805C-42A1310 ACTION: Interpret Army Publication CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment, given a computer with Microsoft Office, internet access, standard office supplies, equipment and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE), variables, and actors. STANDARD: 1. Review the Army Publishing Directorate (APD) without error. 2. Locate Human Resources Publications without error. Lesson Content:
Maintain a Record Using the Army Records Information Management System
805C-42A1043 Lesson Content:
Prepare a Dropped from Rolls Packet
805C-42A1316 Lesson Content:
Prepare Personnel HR Metrics – IPPS-A
805C-42A1324 Lesson Content:
Communicate the Principles of the Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Army (IPPS-A)
805C-42A1301 Lesson Content:
Interpret Entitlement to Pay and Allowances – IPPS-A
805C-42A1303 Lesson Content:
Review Semi-Centralized Promotions – IPPS-A
805C-42A1219 Lesson Content:
Process a Decentralized Promotion – IPPS-A
805C-42A1232 Lesson Content:
Process a Request for Absence – IPPS-A
805C-42A1250 Lesson Content: