805A-AAA6BS15 Lesson Content:
Category: 36B AIT
Moduel D: Fund the Force – Commercial Vendor Services
Module Supporting Material
Module C: Banking and Disbursing and eCommerce
Module Supporting Material
Module B: Pay Support
Module Supporting Material
Apply Data Management to FC Operations
805A-AAF6BS14 Lesson Content: AAF6BS14_RPReplay_Final1 AAF6BS14_RPReplay_Final2 AAF6BS14_RPReplay_Final3
Conduct Finance and Comptroller Deployment Operations
805A-AAF6BS13 Lesson Content:
Employ a Sustainment Tactical Network (STN)
805A-AAF6BS12 Lesson Content:
Perform Tactical Finance and Comptroller Functions
805A-AAF6BS10 Lesson Content:
Define the Principles of Mentorship
805A-AAE6BS12 Lesson Content:
Apply Effective Army Writing to Correspondence
805A-AAE6BS11 Lesson Content: