701T-CCAP190 Action: Identify key aspects of counseling required for effective counseling at the company-level. Condition: Acting as a company-level leader in the contemporary operational environment, using a company-level leadership perspective, personal experience, readings, perspectives of experts, small group discussions, and the basic theories of counseling. Standard: Identify key aspects of counseling on a written exam… Continue reading Counseling
Category: Officer Training
Human Resources Technician Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education (WOILE) Follow-on Course
PURPOSE To close technical gaps identified in WO PME review to develop strategic level HR technicians prepared to serve in successive ACOM/ASCC/COCOM and Army-level assignments supporting GO and enterprise HR requirements. consolidate gains as part of unified action (ADP 3-0). The sustainment of unified land operations requires a continuous link between the strategic and operational… Continue reading Human Resources Technician Warrant Officer Intermediate Level Education (WOILE) Follow-on Course
Adjutant General Captains Career Course
PURPOSE The primary emphasis of training is on providing tactical and operational level HR training to AOC 42B officers at the company grade level. This course prepares officers to develop, interpret, plan, integrate, coordinate, and implement the Army’s HR programs and policies for the military and civilian work force at the Battalion and Brigade levels.… Continue reading Adjutant General Captains Career Course
Adjutant General Warrant Officer Advanced Course
PURPOSE The Warrant Officer Advanced Course expands and enhances the managerial and professional skills related to the daily duties of mid-level Warrant Officers in the Human Resources field. This course will provide training that enhances the HR Technician’s skills through various methods of instructions to include shared training experiences. This course focuses on programs and… Continue reading Adjutant General Warrant Officer Advanced Course
Adjutant General Warrant Officer Basic Course
PURPOSE This course is designed to provide warrant officers with the Army officer foundation values, attributes, and skills while continuing to develop the basic leadership skills and individual self-confidence necessary to meet branch specific challenges. The course teaches fundamental individual skills (technical competence), basic proficiency in Army tactical doctrine, and the Warrior Ethos and ethics… Continue reading Adjutant General Warrant Officer Basic Course
Adjutant General Basic Officer Leader Course-Branch
PURPOSE To develop competent, agile, adaptive, HR operators prepared to assume duties as a HR Platoon Leader, Brigade Strength Manager, or Battalion S1 OIC, with an academic focus on Battalion S1 duties, in order to maximize operational effectiveness, enable commanders, and take care of Soldier’s and their families. Reference Material AG BOLC Reference Material Module… Continue reading Adjutant General Basic Officer Leader Course-Branch
Captains Career Course Common Core
Army Profession AP110 – Commandants Brief AP120 – Leader Development Doctrine AP130 – Think Critically and Creatively AP140 – Examine the Army Leadership and the Profession AP150 – Write Effectively AP160 – Brief Effectively AP170 – Lead in Organizations AP180 – Establish and Exert Influence AP190 – Counseling Mission Command MC100 – Mission Command MC110… Continue reading Captains Career Course Common Core