CSS Testing Page Module A – Common Core 1. Army Profession Describe the Army Doctrine Hierarchy101 Think Critically and Creatively102 Military Problem Solving Process103 Write Effectively104 Brief Effectively105 Army Profession and the Army Professional Ethic106 Army Leadership Requirements Model107 Apply Army Ethical Standards for Decision-Making108 Explain Organizational Leadership109 Exert Influence as a Leader110 Describe the Principles of Counseling111 2. Mission Command Fundamentals of Mission Command101 Mission Command Battle Analysis102 Command and Control103 Command and Control (Battle of Stalingrad)104 3. Operations Military Terms and Symbols101 Capabilities and Limitations of BCTs102 Operational Environment103 Multidomain Operations104 Principles of War105 Offensive Operations106 Defensive Operations107 Stability Operations108 Tactical Sustainment109 DSCA Operations110 Joint Operations111 Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF)112 Joint Roles, Capabilities, and Limitations113 Law of Armed Conflict w/ Readings 4. Operations Process Fundamentals of the Operations Process101 Command Post Operations102 Military Decision-Making Process (MDMP)103 MDMP Step 1: Receipt of Mission104 MDMP Step 2: Mission Analysis105 MDMP Step 3: Course of Action Development106 MDMP Step 4: Course of Action Analysis107 MDMP Step 5: Course of Action Comparison108 MDMP Steps 6 and 7: Course of Action Approval and Orders Production109 Rehearsal for an Operation110 Common Operational Picture Slides and Video 5. Unit Training Management Training Management Overview101 METL Development102 Evaluate a Training Event103 Develop a Training Plan104 Conduct a Training Event105 Develop a Training Brief106