Category: Postal Supervisor F4
Postal Supervisor Course – ASI F4
Lessons Assume Custodian of Postal Effects (COPE) Responsibility Identify Military Postal Service (MPS) Responsibilities Inspect a Military Post Office Perform RSS System Functions Operate an Automated Military Postal System (AMPS) Database F4 Handouts EOC Survey EOC Survey Link Resources
ITAR – Operate the Automated Military Postal System (AMPS) Database
Conditions: While serving as a custodian of postal effects (COPE) you are given a computer with internet access, credentials to access the AMPS Site (MPO COPE and Transportation), appropriate level of authorization, the DoD 4525-6M (Postal Manual), the Consolidated Air Massing and Labeling Scheme (CAMALS) and Handbook T-7 (1993) (Distributing, Dispatching, and Transporting Military Mail… Continue reading ITAR – Operate the Automated Military Postal System (AMPS) Database
ITAR – Operate a Contingency Military Post Office
Conditions: While serving at a postal unit, notification that contingency operations are to take place, and access to Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M Postal Manual. Standards: Operate a Contingency Military Post Office based on contingency requirements that meets appropriate level of support and IAW applicable references. References:
ITAR – Perform Audits at a Military Post Office
Conditions: While serving as a custodian of postal effects (COPE) you are given a situation requiring an audit and access to: a. Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M. b. Department of Defense (DD) Form 3294 (Cash and Stamp Stock Count and Summary). c. Fixed credits. d. Postage Meter funds. e. Money Order funds. f. Standard USPS… Continue reading ITAR – Perform Audits at a Military Post Office
ITAR – Update Postal Operating Plan
Conditions: While serving as the custodian of postal effects (COPE) you are given a requirement to review and update an existing postal operating plan to standardize routine or recurring actions, or functions, appropriate operations references, or local policy guidance with access to AR 25-50, AR 380-5, the Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M, a computer with… Continue reading ITAR – Update Postal Operating Plan
ITAR – Report Postal Offenses
Conditions: You are assigned to a Military Post Office as a Postal Clerk with access to the Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M (Postal Manual) and the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) and have identified a postal offense. Standards: Report postal offenses in accordance with (IAW) DOD 4525.6-M and the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) within 72 hours… Continue reading ITAR – Report Postal Offenses
ITAR – Monitor Search-Seizure Operation
Conditions: You are assigned as a Military Postal Clerk and have encountered a situation which may warrant the search/seizure of a piece of mail and have access to the following: a. Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M (Postal Manual). b. Local standing operating procedures (SOP). Standards: Monitor search/seizure operation procedures IAW DoD 4525.6-M and file the… Continue reading ITAR – Monitor Search-Seizure Operation
ITAR – Administer Postal Management Information System
Conditions: You are assigned to a Military Post Office and are required to use the Postal Management Information System with the products listed below: a. Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M (Postal Manual). b. DoD 4525.6-STD (Transit Time Information Standard System for Military Mail). c. Population census data. d. Financial transaction data. e. Request for Transit… Continue reading ITAR – Administer Postal Management Information System
ITAR – Control Postal Supplies and Capital Sensitive Equipment
Conditions: You are assigned to a Military Post Office as a Supply Clerk and are required to requisition postal equipment and supplies and access to: a. Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-C (Postal Supply Catalog). b. PS Form 1567 (Requisition for Rubber and Steel Stamps). c. PS Form 1578-B (Requisition for Non-Standard Facing Slips or Labels).… Continue reading ITAR – Control Postal Supplies and Capital Sensitive Equipment