805C-42B6174 Action: Communicate the Components of Data Literacy Conditions: Students in a classroom environment, working individually and as a small group member, with student handouts, sharing experience, engaging in discussions, and an awareness of the operational environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: The standard is met when the student can correctly without error: Lesson Content:
Category: Provide HR Services
Interpret Military Pay and Allowances
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Review the Evaluation Reporting System
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Coordinate Deployed Casualty Operations
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Analyze Personnel Readiness Summary Metrics
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Prepare Correspondence as an S1 Officer
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ITAR – Integrate Legal Support
Conditions: You are assigned as the Senior HR NCO and your commander tasks you to present an information briefing to all unit commanders and first sergeants on Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions and the Administrative Separation Process. You have access to all applicable administrative publications to include AR 635-200 (Active Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations) and… Continue reading ITAR – Integrate Legal Support
ITAR – Plan Unit Postal Operations
Conditions: You are the Senior Human Resources (HR) NCO responsible for planning unit postal operations. You have access to AR 600-8-3 (Unit Postal Operations), FM 1-0 (HR Support), ATP 1-0.1 (G-1/AG and S-1 Operations), and Department of Defense (DoD) Manual 4525.6-M (DoD Postal Manual). This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: With… Continue reading ITAR – Plan Unit Postal Operations
ITAR – Implement Casualty Operations
Conditions: You are the Senior HR NCO and are responsible for implementing casualty operations. You have access to FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), AR 638-8 (Army Casualty Program), DA PAM 638-8 (Procedures for Army Casualty Program), AR 600-8-4 (Line of Duty Policy, Procedures, and Investigations), and access to HR enabling systems. Some iterations of this task… Continue reading ITAR – Implement Casualty Operations
ITAR -Monitor Meal Card Management Program
Conditions: You are an HR NCO and are responsible for Meal Card control, audits, and inspections for your unit. You have access to AR 600-38 (Meal Card Management System), Meal Cards (DD Form 714), Meal Card Control Register (DA Form 4809-R), Meal Card Control Sheet and standard office supplies. This task should not be trained… Continue reading ITAR -Monitor Meal Card Management Program