Conditions: While serving as a custodian of postal effects (COPE) you are given a computer with internet access, credentials to access the AMPS Site (MPO COPE and Transportation), appropriate level of authorization, the DoD 4525-6M (Postal Manual), the Consolidated Air Massing and Labeling Scheme (CAMALS) and Handbook T-7 (1993) (Distributing, Dispatching, and Transporting Military Mail By Air Annex). This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.
Standards: Operate the AMPS database to complete the required fields in the following forms (screens) without error: PS Form 2942-A (Military Mail-AV7 Delivery List), PS Form 2734-B (Air Transportation Pay and Routing Adjustment), PS Form 2759 (Report of Irregular Handling of Military Mail) and a Postal Net Alert.