ITAR – Coordinate Travel

Conditions: As an Executive Administrative Assistant, given a travel request, computer with internet access to the Defense Travel System (DTS), source documents, and the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR). This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: With a minimum of 70% accuracy, navigate the DTS, prepare a travel authorization, and submit a travel… Continue reading ITAR – Coordinate Travel

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ITAR – Maintain Executive Calendar

Conditions: Given a requirement to maintain an executive calendar and access to a computer, Microsoft Office software, a printer, supervisor’s instructions and standard office supplies and equipment. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: With a minimum of 70% accuracy, establish an executive calendar, schedule appointments, and utilize Outlook 2013 Calendar. References:

ITAR – Coordinate Social Events

Conditions: Given a list of attendees including rank and / or position, a description of the event to be held, a diagram of the table(s) to be used, handouts on seating arrangements, a computer with Microsoft Office software, printer, DA PAM 600-60 (A Guide to Protocol and Etiquette for Official Entertainment), and standard office supplies… Continue reading ITAR – Coordinate Social Events

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ITAR – Complete Invitations

Conditions: As an Executive Administrative Assistant, given a computer with internet access, scenarios, invitation templates, and DA PAM 600-60 (A Guide to Protocol and Etiquette for Official Entertainment). This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: With a minimum of 70% accuracy, determine the type of invitation required, prepare an invitation, and respond… Continue reading ITAR – Complete Invitations

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ITAR – Receive Visitors and Official Calls

Conditions: Given scheduled or unannounced visitors, access to an executive calendar, programmed visitor roster, local Standing Operating Procedures (SOP), and standard office supplies and equipment. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: With a minimum of 70% accuracy, receive and announce visitors using accepted military courtesy and protocol procedures. References:

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ITAR – Safeguard Information

Conditions: Given a requirement to safeguard information, DoD 5400.11-R (DoD Privacy Program), AR 340-21 (The Army Privacy Program), AR 380-5 (Department of the Army Information Security Program), AR 530-1 (Operations Security), and awareness of the operational environment (OE) variables and actors. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: With a minimum of… Continue reading ITAR – Safeguard Information

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ITAR – Perform Advanced Computer Software Operations

Conditions: Given access to a computer with internet access, Microsoft Office software, and a printer. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: With a minimum of 70% accuracy, perform Word mail merge functions, create an Excel spreadsheet, and prepare a PowerPoint slide presentation. References:

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ITAR – Prepare Executive-Level Correspondence

Conditions: As an Executive Administrative Assistant, given a requirement to prepare written correspondence, a personal computer system loaded with word processing software, AR 25-50 (Preparing and Managing Correspondence), a dictionary, and standard office supplies and equipment. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: With a minimum of 70% accuracy, prepare, save, and… Continue reading ITAR – Prepare Executive-Level Correspondence

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ITAR – Enhance Communications

Conditions: As an Executive Administrative Assistant, given a copy of printed material containing errors in spelling, word usage, and sentence structure, and access to all required references. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: With a minimum of 70% accuracy, identify the various parts of speech, base words, apply the mechanics of writing,… Continue reading ITAR – Enhance Communications

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ITAR – Serve as a Sponsor

Conditions: You have been notified that you are to sponsor an incoming Soldier. You have access to AR 600-8-8 and DA Form 5434, pen and/or computer with authorized software. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: Contact Soldier, follow up, make any reservations and assist Soldier upon arrival. References:

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