Action: Process Registered Mail
Conditions: In a classroom environment; given access to the following material below and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors.
- Several articles of registered mail
- PS Form 3849, Notice of Delivery
- PS Form 3854, Manifold Registry Dispatch Book
- PS Form 3877, Firm Mailing Book for Registered, Insured, Cash on Delivery (COD) and Certified Mail and Express Mail
- PS Form 3883, Firm Delivery Receipt for Accountable and Bulk Delivery Mail
- DD Form 2261, Balance and Inventory
- Necessary rubber stamps and stamp pad
- Student Handout
Standard: Process registered mail by verifying all registered mail in pouches and sacks, opening all mail in the presence of a witness, taking appropriate action if any discrepancies are found, completing the correct forms, and securing the registry section and all registered mail in order to achieve a minimum of 80% on the performance-based test
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