Demonstrate DCIPS

Action: Demonstrate the Defense Casualty Information Processing  System – Casualty Forward (DCIPS-CF) and Casualty Reporting (DCIPS-CR) 

Conditions: In a classroom environment given internet connectivity, a computer, access to DCIPS-CF 8.0 training database, DCIPS-CF User Guide dtd 30 January 2012, access to DCIPS-CR Portal, and Defense Casualty Information Processing System (DCIPS) Casualty Reporting Training Guide dtd 22 August 2008.

Standard: The students will meet the standard of 70% accuracy when they:

  1. Define the purpose of the Defense Casualty Information Processing System (DCIPS)
  2. Demonstrate functions of the Defense Casualty Information Processing System – Casualty Forward (DCIPS-CF)
  3. Demonstrate functions of the Defense Casualty Information Processing System – Casualty Reporting (DCIPS-CR) via secure web portal

Lesson Content


DCIPS-CF 8.0 training database

DCIPS-CF User Guide dtd 30 January 2012


(DCIPS) Casualty Reporting Training Guide dtd 22 August 2008