Conditions: You are the Senior HR NCO and have responsibility for personnel readiness in your unit, including training subordinate S-1 on Personnel Readiness Management (PRM). Your unit is scheduled to deploy in the next 180 days and you must review manning for your unit and ensure personnel readiness levels are consistent with HQDA Manning Guidance. You have access to AR 220-1 (Army Unit Status Reporting and Force Registration-Consolidated Policies), AR 600-8-6 (Personnel Accounting and Strength Reporting), AR 614-100 (Officer Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers), AR 614-200 (Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management), DA PAM 611-21 (Military Occupational Classification and Structure (SMARTBOOK)), FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), ATP 1-0.1 (G-1/AG and S-1 Operations), the Army G1 Personnel Policy Guidance (PPG), the Active Component Manning Guidance (ACMG), HR enabling systems, and standard office supplies and equipment. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.
Standards: Develop a strength management and personnel distribution plan that ensures your unit deploys at or above the current HQDA Manning Guidance. Identify 100% of non-deployable Soldiers and request replacements.