805C-42B6174 Action: Communicate the Components of Data Literacy Conditions: Students in a classroom environment, working individually and as a small group member, with student handouts, sharing experience, engaging in discussions, and an awareness of the operational environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: The standard is met when the student can correctly without error: Lesson Content:
Category: Provide HR Services
Administer the Enlisted Promotions Program
805C-42B71102 Lesson Content
Perform Administrative Functions in IPPS-A
Lesson Content:
Process an Initial Casualty Report
805C-42A-3474 Lesson Content:
Review a Request for Leave
805C-42A-3463 Lesson Content:
Establish a Record Using the Army Records Information Management System
805C-42A-3015 Lesson Content:
Manage the Soldier Talent Profile
805C-42A-3432 Lesson Content:
Review an Award Recommendation
805C-42A-3007 Lesson Content:
Conduct the Evaluation Process
805C-42A-3497 Lesson Content:
Manage the Enlisted Promotion Process
805C-42A-3053 Lesson Content: