Conditions: You are assigned as a HR NCO in the S-1 section. Your commander has tasked you to review the unit’s current procedures and policies for Family Readiness, Equal Opportunity (EO), Voting Assistance, Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP), Army Weight Control Program (AWCP), Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), Army Emergency Relief (AER), Suicide Prevention, and Sponsorship. You have access to AR 215-1 (Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities), AR 385-10 (Army Safety Program), AR 600-20 (Army Command Policy), AR 600-9 (The Army Weight Control Program), AR 600-85 (The Army Substance Abuse Program), AR 600-8-8 (The Total Army Sponsorship Program), AR 608-1 (Army Community Service Center), AR 608-20 (Army Voting Assistance Program), and FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support). This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.
Standards: Promote command interest programs by coordinating the publication of comprehensive, error-free policy letters and SOPS that communicate the commander’s intent, support unit readiness, build morale and cohesion, enhance quality of life, and provide recreational, social and other support services for 100% of assigned Soldiers and their Families.