ITAR – 805C-42H-8105 Coordinate Deployed Casualty Operations

Conditions: You are assigned as a Brigade S-1 and your unit is preparing to deploy. Your commander directs you to review the casualty operations program and ensure your unit is prepared to execute casualty operations. You have access to references listed in enclosed table, the Defense Casualty Information Processing System-Casualty Forward (DCIPS-CF) and human resources (HR) enabling systems. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.

Standards: Coordinate pre-deployment, deployment, and redeployment casualty operations activities based on your unit’s Standing Operating Procedures. Submit error-free initial casualty reports to higher headquarters within 4 hours of incident. Submit all supplemental casualty reports as updates occur. Reconcile all casualty information with the appropriate unit, medical personnel, Casualty Liaison Teams (CLTs), Mortuary Affairs (MA) Collection Points or other sources to substantiate casualty information.
