Evaluate Army Adverse Action and Derogatory Personnel Promotion Policies
Action: Evaluate Army Adverse Action and Derogatory Personnel Promotion Policies
Condition: Senior Human Resources Warrant Officers in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, handouts, personal experience, discussions, and with an awareness of the operational environment (OE) variables and actors.
- Analyze U.S. Army Human Resources Command Post-Promotion Board Screening process to provide guidance to commands. Identify all four purposes of the process and relate each to Title 10 U.S. Code §7233.
- Evaluate U.S. Army Human Resources Command Promotion Review Board (PRB) to provide advice to commands. Recognize all nine reasons for PRB referral and relate each to Title 10 U.S. Code §14311
- Counsel Commands on U.S. Army Human Resources Board Results to ensure regulatory compliance. Identify the most important action a commander must take without error: notify a Soldier of their Promotion Review Board appearance.
- Prepare for Senior Warrant Officer Brief by generating three clear and concise questions in reference to Human Resources Enterprise Organizations
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