HR STAFF 12-TS-0003 Conduct Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) HROB Operations

Conduct Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) HROB Operations


HR Staff

The sustainment brigade is deployed to an operational theater to provide sustainment to designated forces within a command specified area. The supported command’s Operations Order (OPORD) directs the sustainment brigade to provide/coordinate for support to specified forces during the deployment on an area basis. The Human Resources Operations Branch (HROB) within the Support Operations (SPO) Section has the responsibility to plan, coordinate, integrate, and manage the emplacement and operations of subordinate HR elements in synchronization with the concept of support plans for casualty, PA, and postal operations, throughout the area of operations. The commander has issued planning guidance that the brigade may be required to perform as theater opening element then shift to theater distribution role. Unit Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) are available. The section has appropriate connectivity to both Non-secure Internet Protocol Router (NIPR) and Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR) Networks and access to all automated personnel systems. Technical guidance is received from the Human Resource Sustainment Center (HRSC) and higher headquarters SPOs, as appropriate. Communications are established with subordinate, adjacent units and higher headquarters. Command and control information systems are operational and passing information in accordance with Tactical Standing Operating Procedures (TSOP). Threat capabilities include information gathering, hostile force sympathizers, and terrorist activities in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) environment. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.

Establish the Theater Gateway Personnel Processing Center prior to arrival of deploying units. (NOTE: this only applies if assigned the theater opening mission.) Ensure Casualty Liaison Teams (CLTs) are established at specified Medical Treatment Facilities (MTF), Mortuary Affairs Collection Points (MACP) and Division/Corps G1 and equivalent general officer commands within the supported area of operations IAW FM 1-0. Plan, coordinate, integrate, and manage the emplacement and operations of subordinate HR elements in synchronization with the concept of support plans for casualty, PA, and postal operations, throughout the area of operations and will ensure incoming mail is dispatched to applicable units within 24 hours of receipt or as allowed by the tactical situation.

Collective Tasks

12-CTR-1226 Provide Human Resources Support (Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) – Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC))

Individual Supporting Tasks:

WOAC805C-420-7004Administer Casualty Operations in Theater
WOAC805C-420-7005Coordinate Theater Postal Operations
SLC805C-42A-4060Plan Unit Postal Operations
CCC805C-42B-7104Evaluate Personnel Strength Data
CCC805C-42B-7107Develop Human Resources (HR) Planning and Operations Staff Products Using MDMP
HR P&O805C-42H-8107Implement Human Resources (HR) Planning and Operations Using MDMP
Pstl Supv805C-LF4-3558Identify Military Postal Service Responsibilities
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1205Process Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1209Process International Mail
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1218Process Mail
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1221Prepare Mail Transportation Documentation
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1230Conduct Postal Directory Functions
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1240Maintain Postal Supplies
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1526Report Suspected Postal Incidents
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-3525Conduct Money Order Business

12-CTR-1225 Conduct HRSC Planning (HRSC)

Individual Supporting Tasks:

CCC805C-42B-7107Develop Human Resources (HR) Planning and Operations Staff Products Using MDMP
ALC805C-42A-3054Review the Human Resources Organizational Structure
HR P&O805C-42A-4041Analyze Human Resources Planning Considerations
HR P&O805C-42H-8107Implement Human Resources (HR) Planning and Operations Using MDMP

12-CTR-1235 Maintain the Theater Casualty Assistance Center (HRSC)

Individual Supporting Tasks:

WOAC805C-420-7004Administer Casualty Operations in Theater
WOAC805C-420-7006Manage Evaluations Process

12-CTR-1256 Monitor Postal Services (HRSC)

Individual Supporting Tasks:

Pstl Supv805C-LF4-1361Inspect a Military Post Office
Pstl Supv805C-LF4-3558Identify Military Postal Service Responsibilities