HRSC 12-TS-9008 Conduct PA SR PRM IM Division Operations

Conduct Personnel Accountability/Strength Reporting/Personnel Readiness Management/Information Management Division Operations



The Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) will deploy or is deployed to an active theater in support of operational forces.  The supported command’s operations order (OPORD) is available.  The Personnel Accountability/Personnel Readiness Management/Information Management (PA/PRM/PIM) Division has staff responsibility for maintaining the theater deployed database.  The commander has issued his/her assessment and planning guidance for providing human resources support to units within the specified area.  Unit Standard Operating Procedures, SOPs, ATP 4-93, ATP 4-94, and FM 1-0 are on-hand.  The division has appropriate connectivity to both Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router (NIPR) and Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR) Networks and automated personnel systems.  Technical guidance continues to be received from the Human Resources Command, HRC.  Communications are established with the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) G1, Support Operations (SPO) Section, Theater Sustainment Command (TSC)/Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) as appropriate, and supported G1/S1s, and Personnel Accountability Teams (PATs). Command and Control Information Systems (CCIS) are operational and passing information in accordance with (IAW) tactical standing operating procedures (TSOPs). Threat capabilities include information gathering, hostile force sympathizers, and terrorist activities in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) environment. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.

Establish the theater deployed database with the entry of the theater opening elements prior to the flow of forces.  Establish links with HRC, all Personnel Accountability Teams (PAT) and G1/S1s of all specified Army reporting elements as they arrive in theater.  Implement initial reporting requirements IAW FM 1-0 and Theater Command SOP.  Identify and report all units to the ASCC G1 that exceed the two percent personnel accountability variance  IAW TSOP, ATP 4-93, ATP 4-94, and FM 1-0.

Collective Tasks

12-CTR-1223 Establish the Theater Database (HRSC)

Supporting Individual Tasks

WOBC805C-420-6000Coordinate Personnel Accountability Functions
WOAC805C-420-7001Manage Personnel Accountability
HR P&O805C-42H-8107Implement Human Resources (HR) Planning and Operations Using MDMP

12-CTR-1224 Maintain the Theater Database (HRSC)

Supporting Individual Tasks

SLC805C-42A-4041Analyze Human Resources Planning Considerations Using the MDMP
WOAC805C-420-7001Manage Personnel Accountability
SLC805C-42A-4041Analyze Human Resources Planning Considerations
HR P&O805C-42H-8107Implement Human Resources (HR) Planning and Operations Using MDMP