Conditions: As an officer you must be able to identify and provide recommendations pertaining to different administrative and personnel actions that will impact on soldiers, given AR 600-8-19; AR 600-8-22, AR 614-200, AR 623-105, AR 623-205, DA PAm 611-21, DA Pam 623-105, FM 12-6, completed DA Forms 2166-8 and 2166-8-1, and blank DA Forms 67-9, 67-9-1, 67-9-1a, and 67-9-2. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.
Standards: Recommend proper procedures for implementing and correctly complete the following:
1. Career Planning
a. OPM
c. EPM
2. Promotions System
a. Decentralized promotions
b. Semi-centralized
c. Centralized promotions
3. Military Awards
a. Categories
b. Submission
c. Forms
d. Presentation
4. Performance Evaluation
a. Rating Chains
b. Counseling
c. Evaluation
5. Submit a request for personnel actions ( DA Form 4187)
a. Purpose
b. Duty Status Change
c. Reassignment/ Special Assignment
d. Complete the form