TRADOC Pam 525-8-2 – To meet the challenge of a complex world, the Army must find ways to develop and modernize Army training and education capabilities successfully during a time of diminishing resources while maintaining the most highly trained, educated, and professional land force in the world. The Army must anticipate and adjust its training and education capability faster and more effectively than its adversaries. The Army must maximize its uses of science and technology to research and develop high pay-off technological solutions to solve the difficult challenges the Army will face in the fielding Force 2025 and Beyond.
- Technology enables scalable, effective and efficient training and education.
- Technology provides tools that expand the chain of command’s ability to leverage learning to enhance readiness.
- Army leadership recognizes improving human dimension capabilities requires investment in future technologies.
Items Reviewed in video
- Interactive Multimedia Instruction Overview
- Learning Resource Center Overview
- Mobile & Web Based applications
- E-Learning Products
- Video & Motion Graphics
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