Action: Manage Personnel Distribution & Assignments
Conditions: Given access to applicable regulations, readings, practical exercises, Army Manning Guidance, Personnel Policy Guidance (PPG), and awareness of Contemporary Operational Environment (COE) variables and actors.
Standard: Students will meet the minimum standard of 70% or higher in accuracy when they:
- Identify the components of Officer Strength Management
- Identify the components of Enlisted Strength Management
- Explain the role and responsibilities of HR organizations
Lesson Content
FM 1-0 Human Resources Support
AR 600-8-6 Personnel Accounting & Strength Reporting
AR 600-8-11 Reassignment
AR 611-1 Military Occupational Classification Structure Development and Implementation
AR 614-100 Officer Assignment Policies
AR 614-185 Requisitions & Assignment Instructions for Officers
AR 614-200 Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management
DA PAM 600-8-101 Personnel Processing (In-Out, Soldier Readiness, Mobilization and Deployment Processing)
DA PAM 611-21 Military Occupational Classification and Structure
HQDA Active Component Manning Guidance for FY 2013-2015
Force Stabilization Playbook
Personnel Policy Guidance (PPG)