Conditions: You are a Military Postal Clerk assigned to a Postal Service Center (PSC). You are required to perform PSC postal functions for
authorized customers, including managing mail receptacles and processing incoming and outgoing mail while preventing loss and damage to the mail.
You have access to DOD 4525.6-M (DOD Postal Manual), DD Form 2258 (Temporary Mail Disposition Instructions), DD Form 2262 (Receptacle Record
), DD Form 2263 (Mailing Address/Combination Notice), DA Form 3955 (Change of Address and Directory Card), OPNAV 5110/5 (Notice of Change of
Address), AF Form 624 (Base/Unit Locator and PSC Directory), NAVMC 10572 (Mail Directory File Card), PS Form 3801 (Standing Delivery Order), PS
Form 3849 (Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt), PS Form 3907 (Mail Pickup Notice), mail receptacle name label, articles awaiting delivery, and standard
United States Postal Service (USPS) supplies and equipment. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.
Standards: Provide PSC services to eligible customers by issuing mail receptacles, closing mail receptacles, sorting mail, and delivering mail that is too large for the receptacles, without error.