Action: Perform Personnel Office Computations
Conditions: In a classroom environment given extracts of DoD 7000.14R (Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation), a completed DA Form 1506 (Statement of Service), AR 37-104-4 (Military Pay and Allowance Policy and Procedures-Active Component), AR 600-8-104 (Military Personnel Information Management/Records), Title 10 USC 651, and Student Handout.
Standard: The student will have met the standards when they have reviewed a completed award recommendations (DA Form 638) for accuracy and completeness and have accurately identified the processing requirements and procedures for award recommendations listed:
- Computed the Pay Entry Basic Date (PEBD), Basic Active Service Date (BASD), Basic Enlisted Service Date (BESD), Expiration of Term of Service (ETS), and Date of Rank (DOR).
- Verified a DA Form 1506 (Statement of Service).
Lesson Content
agbolc ho 2 lautenberg amendment
agbolc perform personnel office computations office computations pe3 scenario
agbolc perform personnel office computations handout 1
agbolc perform personnel office computations office comps addtl pe scenario
agbolc personnel office computations slides
agbolc perform poc additional handout
agbolc perform personnel office computations da form 1506 blank
agbolc perform personnel office computations pe 3
agbolc perform personnel office computations pe 2
agbolc perform personnel office computations pe 1
agbolc perform personnel office computations sh
agbolc perform office computations dod fmr excerpt
perform personnel office computations summary of change
agbolc perform personnel office computations 07a 01