Provide Transient Personnel Accountability (HR CO)

Conditions: The Human Resources Company (HR CO) is employed at the Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) and has been tasked with the theater accountability mission and updating the accountability database of record for all transiting personnel.  The TG PAT is tasked with establishing the initial Personnel Processing Center (PPC) to track and account for all Soldiers, Department of the Defense (DOD) Civilians, and Joint, Interagency, and Multinational (JIM) personnel arriving and departing the theater.  Access to the Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS), the accountability system of record for all theater personnel, has been established.  Connectivity to the SIPRNET and NIPRNET have been established and Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) are on hand. The team is conducting operations in a dynamic and complex operational environment (OE) against a hybrid threat.  Terrorists and other hostile force sympathizers are operating in the area.  Threat capabilities include information gathering, hostile force sympathizers, and terrorist activities in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) environment. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.

Standards: IAW FM 1-0 and ATP 1-0.2, obtain and enter personnel data for all incoming, outgoing, and transiting Soldiers, DOD Civilians, and JIM personnel into the theater database with 100 percent accuracy.  Update theater ASCC G1 and Sustainment Brigade daily on personnel information and strength related data.  Based on the team’s authorized strength, 85% of the team’s leaders and 80% of Soldiers are present at training.  The team attains 90% on performance measures, 100% on critical performance measures, and 90% on leader performance measures achieving a “T”, fully trained. At MOPP4, reduce personnel accountability and strength reporting activities to minimum actions required for immediate mission accomplishment.
NOTE:  Leaders are defined as Chief, Deputy Chief, HR Technician and SR HR SGT.

Collective Tasks
