Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data

ACTION: Prepare Unit Personnel Strength Data

CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment with access to FM 1-0 Financial Management Operations, ADP 3-0 Operations, ADP 5-0 The Operations Process, IPPS-A User Manual v11, access to IPPS-A Institutional Training Environment (ITE) and Human Resource enabling systems and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and factors.


  1. Define Strength Reporting Principles without error.
  2. Define Strength Reporting doctrinal responsibilities at each echelon of command without error.
  3. Identify Strength Reporting formats without error.
  4. Submit IPPS-A Strength Reporting Transactions into the HR System of Record without error.
  5. Prepare Unit Personnel Accountability Report without error.
  6. Identify Strength Reporting HR Enabling Systems without error.