ITAR – Process a Request for Leave, Pass, or Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY)

Conditions: You are assigned as an HR Specialist and must process requests for leave, pass, or permissive TDY. You have access to AR 600-8-10 (Leaves and Passes), AR 600-8-104 (Army Military Human Resource Records Management), AR 600-8-105 (Military Orders), HR enabling systems,standard office supplies and equipment and the following documents:
a. A properly prepared DA Form 31 (Request and Authority for Leave).
b. Soldier’s current DFAS Form 702 (Defense Finance and Accounting Service Military Leave and Earnings Statement (LES)).
c. Supporting orders.
d. A chargeable leave reconciliation report from the Finance Office.
e. DA Form 4179 (Leave Control Log). This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.

Standards: Process all requests for leave, pass, or PTDY with 100% accuracy ensuring required forms are properly completed, DA Form 4179-R is correctly annotated and crossed-checked daily with DA Form 647/647-1, and appropriate actions are taken if a Soldier’s leave/pass/PTDY is extended and/or when they return Present for Duty.
