Conditions: You are assigned as an HR NCO and must review your unit’s Human Resources Authorization Report (HRAR) to ensure properly slotting and utilization. You have access to AR 600-8-6 (Personnel Accounting and Strength Reporting), AR 614-100 (Officer Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers), AR 614-200 (Enlisted Assignments and Utilization), DA PAM 611-21 (Military Occupational Classification and Structure), eMILPO Functional Guide, HR enabling systems, and your unit’s HRAR. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.
Standards: With a minimum of 70% accuracy, ensure all personnel are properly slotted and utilized in authorized positions, verify Expiration Term of Service (ETS) and other losses, and identify qualified Soldiers to fill vacant positions on the HRAR.