WTSP 14-TS-7010 Conduct Finance Support Center (FISC) Cash Management Activities

Conduct Finance Support Center (FISC) Cash Management Activities



The Finance Support Center (FISC) is alerted for tentative deployment to a specified theater to provide financial support for United States (U.S.), allied, and coalition forces and other authorized personnel and agencies. All assigned sections and personnel will deploy. Operations plans (OPLAN), and orders (OPORD) for supported command are received. A tentative deployment window is established. Requests for financial support will be received from U.S. and coalition elements in the area of operations. A disbursing station activity will be established. Initial operating funds will be derived from Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). Payments for commercial vendors will be required. Soldiers are expected to request partial and advance payments. Financial support for coalition units is to be provided in accordance with support agreements. United States (U.S.) and allied forces require U.S. and local currencies to procure and maintain sustainment support. The Financial Management Tactical Platform (FMTP) and other automated systems and software will be employed in support of operations as applicable. All Tactical Standing Operating Procedures (TSOPs), DFAS-IN Reg 37-1, DFAS Manual 37-100, DODFMR 7000.14-R, AR 1-1, FM 1-06, JP 1-06, and JTRs are available. Conventional attacks by hostile aircraft and operations by ground elements are possible. Threat capabilities also include information gathering, hostile force sympathizers, and terrorist activities in a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear environment. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.

Theater financial support requirements are identified and programmed in accordance with DODFMR 7000.14R, TSOP, governing regulations, and command directives. Cash and negotiable instruments are obtained as required. Disbursements are made with 100 percent accountability per AR 1-1, DFAS Reg 37-1, DFAS Manual 37-100, DODFMR 7000.14-R, FM 1-06, JP 1-06, and JTRs. Obtain and distribute required funds to FMSUs/FMSDs and to allied and/or coalition forces within the theater, as appropriate.

Collective Tasks

14-CTR-8014 Plan Financial Management Support for Theater Operations (Financial Management Support Center (FMSC))

Individual Tasks

805A-36B-1002Research Finance Regulations
805A-36A-7004Manage a Unit Budget
805A-36A-7005Apply Administrative Control of Funds Procedures
805A-36A-7020Conduct Limited Depository (LDA) Account Activities
805A-36A-8003Develop a Cost Structure
805A-36A-8004Provide Disbursing Support
805A-36A-8005Implement e-Commerce Activities
805A-36A-8006Manage Theater Banking Operations
805A-36A-8007Conduct Cost Management
805A-36B-3022Record Data from Expenditure Accounting Documents
805A-36B-1011Maintain Commitment Records and Obligations
805A-36B-4001Conduct Central Funding
805A-36A-6162Ensure the Physical Security Compliance of a Disbursing Office

14-CTR-8015 Establish Theater Financial Management Support (Financial Management Support Center (FMSC))

Individual Tasks

805A-36A-7003Manage the Execution of Funds
805A-36B-1011Maintain Commitment Records and Obligations
805A-36A-8009Implement FM Plans and Operations
805A-36B-3023Perform Disbursing Agent Functions
805A-36B-4001Conduct Central Funding
805A-36B-4006Manage a Limited Depositary Account
805A-36B-5001Establish an Internal Control Program
805A-36B-5002Conduct Support Operations
805A-36A-6162Ensure the Physical Security Compliance of a Disbursing Office

14-CTR-8026 Conduct Paying Agent Operations (Financial Management Support Center (FMSC))

Individual Tasks

805A-36A-6001Report Irregularities in a Disbursing Agent’s Account
805A-36A-6004Conduct Paying Agent Operations

14-CTR-8035 Provide Theater Central Funding Support (Financial Management Support Center (FMSC))

Individual Tasks

805A-36B-4001Conduct Central Funding
805A-36A-6004Conduct Paying Agent Operations
805A-36A-7008Process Purchase Orders and Contracts
805A-36A-7020Conduct Limited Depository (LDA) Account Activities
805A-36A-7022Establish Army e-Commerce Systems
805A-36A-8006Manage Theater Banking Operations


ATP 4-93Sustainment Brigade
DFAS-IN 37-1Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation
DFAS-IN MANUAL 37-100-FYThe Army Management Structure
DODFMR 7000.14-RDepartment of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRS) (Volumes 1-15)
FM 1-06Financial Management Operations
FARFederal Acquisition Regulation
SUSTAINMENT UNIT TRAINING RESOURCE GUIDESustainment Unit Training Resource Guide (Electronic Copy)
Sustainment Unit Training Resource Guide (Print Ready)

Note:   All Resources can be found at the Army’s Publishing Directorate: https://armypubs.army.mil/

We Pay DoD DFAS Training Videos

DA 5960 Training Part 1
DA 5960 Training Part 2
DA 5960 Training Part 3
How to Reconcile the Unit Commanders Pay Management Part I
How to Reconcile the Unit Commanders Pay Management Part II
How to Reconcile the Unit Commanders Pay Management Part III