ITAR – Check Mail Directory Operations

Conditions: While serving as a supervisor in a Military Post Office given several articles of mail which directory service was provided, access to the postal patrons directory card file or digital database, access to the DoD 4525.6-M (Postal Manual) and the Domestic Mail Manual. Standards: Check Mail Directory Operations ensuring the postal clerk is processing… Continue reading ITAR – Check Mail Directory Operations

ITAR – Check the Cashing of Domestic Postal Money Orders

Conditions: While serving as a Military Postal Clerk you are given a domestic postal money order that has been cashed or is being cashed by a window clerk and access to Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), and Current list of missing or stolen money orders from the latest Postal Bulletin. Standards:… Continue reading ITAR – Check the Cashing of Domestic Postal Money Orders

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ITAR – Check the Sales of Domestic Postal Money Orders

Conditions: While serving as a Custodian of Postal Effects (COPE) with access to a postal finance clerk who is issuing or has issued domestic postal money orders, access to Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M (Postal Manual), and Domestic Mail Manual (DMM). Standards: Check the Sales of Domestic Postal Money Orders to ensure that the postal… Continue reading ITAR – Check the Sales of Domestic Postal Money Orders

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ITAR – Control a Stamp Stock

Conditions: While serving as a custodian of postal effects (COPE) or filler stock clerk/NCO with access to the Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M, Postal Service (PS) Form 17 (Stamp Requisition), PS Form 3295, (Daily Record of Stamps, Stamped Paper, and Nonpostal Stamps on Hand), and PS Form 3369 (Consigned Credit Receipt). This task should not… Continue reading ITAR – Control a Stamp Stock

ITAR – Check Acceptance of International Mail

Conditions: You are a Postal Supervisor in a post office and have a window clerk who is accepting or has accepted International Letter Post Mail. You have access to Department of Defense (DoD) 4525.6-M and International Mail Manual (IMM). Standards: Check the clerk accepting International Letter Post Mail to be sure that the customer is… Continue reading ITAR – Check Acceptance of International Mail

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ITAR – Check the Acceptance of Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services

Conditions: While serving as a Military Postal supervisor given several articles of mail, access to the Point of Sale (POS) system or Meter/Scale, standard PS Forms, Labels and charts, the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) and the DoD 4525.6-M (Postal Manual). Standards: Check the Acceptance of Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services ensuring each article accepted for… Continue reading ITAR – Check the Acceptance of Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services

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ITAR – Inspect a Military Post Office

Conditions: While serving as a Military Postal Clerk you are required to inspect a Military Post Office (MPO) for compliance with existing regulatory documents and agreements. Review procedures and documentation for accuracy and identify positive or negative trends utilizing DoD 4525.6-M, Appendix 2. Standard MOPP 4 conditions do not exist for this task. See the… Continue reading ITAR – Inspect a Military Post Office

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ITAR – Operate the Automated Military Postal System (AMPS) Database

Conditions: While serving as a custodian of postal effects (COPE) you are given a computer with internet access, credentials to access the AMPS Site (MPO COPE and Transportation), appropriate level of authorization, the DoD 4525-6M (Postal Manual), the Consolidated Air Massing and Labeling Scheme (CAMALS) and Handbook T-7 (Distributing, Dispatching, and Transporting Military Mail By Air… Continue reading ITAR – Operate the Automated Military Postal System (AMPS) Database

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ITAR- Facilitate Evaluations Processing

Conditions: You are an Executive Administrative Assistant responsible for administering the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS), processing evaluation reports, and managing rater and senior rater profiles for your command. You have access to AR 623-3 (Evaluation Reporting System), DA PAM 623-3 (Evaluation Reporting System), and the Army Human Resources Command (HRC) Evaluation Entry System (EES). This… Continue reading ITAR- Facilitate Evaluations Processing

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