ITAR – Direct Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO) Program

Conditions: You are a leader at battalion or above level in a garrison environment responsible for directing the casualty assistance officer program. You have access to AR 600-8-1, a blank piece of paper, and a pencil or pen. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: Accurately directed the Casualty Assistance Officer program,… Continue reading ITAR – Direct Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO) Program

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ITAR – Implement the Army Family Team Building Program

Conditions: You are a unit leader responsible for the leadership and supervision of personnel. Personnel includes both male and female, officer and enlisted, and represent single and married individuals. Military families include single individuals, married service couples, sole-parent, and DA civilian. As a unit leader, regardless of location, environment, time of day, you are responsible… Continue reading ITAR – Implement the Army Family Team Building Program

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ITAR – Supervise Unit Personnel and Administration Functions

Conditions: You are a company level leader in a garrison or field environment responsible for the supervision of unit personnel and administrative functions. You have access to all pertinent publications, blank paper, and a pen/pencil. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: Accurately directed unit personnel and administrative functions. References:

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ITAR – Recommend Administrative and Personnel Actions

Conditions: You are a leader at the platoon level in a garrison or operational environment responsible for providing recommendations on administrative and personnel actions that will impact Soldiers. You have access to AR 600-8-19 (Enlisted Promotions and Reductions); AR 600-8-22 (Military Awards),  AR 623-3 (Evaluation Reporting System), DA Pam 623-3 (Evaluation Reporting System), AR 600-8-10… Continue reading ITAR – Recommend Administrative and Personnel Actions

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ITAR – Advise Commander and Staff on Individual Soldier Readiness

Conditions: You are a leader at platoon or company level in a unit preparing to deploy and you are responsible for advising the commander and/or staff on individual Soldier readiness. You have access to AR 600-8-101 and DA PAM 600-8-101. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: Accurately advise the commander/staff on… Continue reading ITAR – Advise Commander and Staff on Individual Soldier Readiness

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ITAR – Maintain Unit Mailroom

Conditions: Commander has designated appropriate space for unit mail facility in accordance with DoD Guidance. Commander or Unit Mail Officer has properly assigned you as the Unit Mail clerk using DD Form 285. You have completed appropriate mail handlers course. Postal Officer has placed you on the Unaccompanied Access Memorandum. You have access to AR… Continue reading ITAR – Maintain Unit Mailroom

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ITAR – Distribute Mail

Conditions: You have been designated as the unit mail clerk on DD Form 285 by the commander or unit postal officer. You have been provided with appropriate space for the unit mail facility in accordance with DoD Guidance. You have complete appropriate unit mail clerk training. You have access to AR 600-8-3 (Unit Postal Operations)… Continue reading ITAR – Distribute Mail

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ITAR – Collect Mail

Conditions: You have been designated as the unit mail clerk on DD Form 285 by the commander or unit postal officer. You have been provided with appropriate space for the unit mail facility in accordance with DoD Guidance. You have complete appropriate unit mail clerk training. You have access to AR 600-8-3 (Unit Postal Operations)… Continue reading ITAR – Collect Mail

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ITAR – Supervise Unit Postal Services

Conditions: The Commander has designated you to serve as the Unit Postal or Assistant Postal Officer. You have completed the appropriate Postal Officers training course. You have access to AR 600-8-3 (Unit Postal Operations), DoD 4525.6-M (Department of Defense Postal Manual) and a copy of Unit Mailroom Inspection Check sheet. You are designated on the… Continue reading ITAR – Supervise Unit Postal Services

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ITAR – Maintain Records

Conditions: You are the records clerk of a section and must ensure files for your office are prepared and maintained properly. Given AR 25-400-2, ARIMS website, a multimedia computer, monitor, and MS Office. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: Determined the type of record, ensured properly labeled to include record code,… Continue reading ITAR – Maintain Records

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