ITAR – Prepare a Standing Operating Procedure (SOP)

Conditions: Given a requirement to prepare an SOP to standardize routine or recurring actions, or functions, appropriate operational references or local policy guidance, and access to AR 25-50 and AR 380-5, computer with authorized software, and office supplies. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: Prepare an SOP in the proper format… Continue reading ITAR – Prepare a Standing Operating Procedure (SOP)

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ITAR – Manage Soldier’s Deployment Requirements

Conditions: Given a requirement to prepare a section for deployment, access to AR 600-8-101, local standing operating procedures (SOPs), standard office supplies, equipment, and assigned personnel. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: Establish personnel accountability. Provide Soldiers with health and welfare items, initial area orientations, and special orders (if required.) Verify… Continue reading ITAR – Manage Soldier’s Deployment Requirements

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ITAR – Prepare the Senior Rater’s Portion of a Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER)

Conditions: You are a supervisor and must senior rate one of your subordinate NCOs. You are given a partially completed DA Form 2166-8, AR 623-3, DA Pam 623-3, paper and pen/pencil or computer with authorized software. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: Complete the Senior Rater Portion of the NCOER ensuring… Continue reading ITAR – Prepare the Senior Rater’s Portion of a Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER)

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ITAR – Store Classified Information and Materials

Conditions: You are a squad/section leader. Given classified material, simulated storage containers, and AR 380-5. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4. Standards: Secure classified information and materials in appropriate storage containers. References:

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ITAR – Coordinate Unit Deployment Readiness Activities

Conditions: Your unit is deploying; your Soldiers have family members, given AR 600-8-101, DA PAM 600-8-101 and AR 608-1. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: Identified the purpose of the Soldier Readiness Program; the two levels of Soldier readiness processing requirements; the mobilization processing requirements; the 10 stations required in conducting… Continue reading ITAR – Coordinate Unit Deployment Readiness Activities

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ITAR – Prepare the Rater’s Portion of a Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER)

Conditions: You are a leader and must rate one of your subordinate. You have access to, DA Form 2166-8, DA Form 2166-8-1, AR 623-3, DA Pam 623-3, current rating scheme, paper and pen/pencil, and/or computer with authorized software. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4. Standards: Completed all elements of the Rater’s portion… Continue reading ITAR – Prepare the Rater’s Portion of a Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER)

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ITAR – Prepare a Duty Roster

Conditions: You are a squad/section leader. Given requirements to provide Soldiers to perform additional duties on a recurring basis, DA Form 6 and AR 220-45. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4. Standards: Prepared a DA Form 6 (Duty Roster) for each duty requirement, list all eligible Soldiers, post only days… Continue reading ITAR – Prepare a Duty Roster

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ITAR – Recommend Disciplinary Action for a Soldier

Conditions: You are a squad/section leader. It has been observed or has been reported to you that one of your Soldiers has committed an act which may be in violation of standards, conduct, breach of discipline, or insubordination. Given access to a computer with appropriate software, printer, AR 25-50, AR 27-10, AR 600-8-2, AR 600-20,… Continue reading ITAR – Recommend Disciplinary Action for a Soldier

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