Manage the Execution of Funds

Conditions: As a Budget Officer/Brigade S8, you have received funding authorization. You have access to the Financial Management Tactical Platform, AR 1-1, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System, DFAS-IN Regulation 37-1, Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation, DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14-R, Volume 14, Administrative Control of Funds and Antideficiency Act Violations, DFAS-IN Manual 37-100-FY, The… Continue reading Manage the Execution of Funds

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Ensure the Physical Security Compliance of a Disbursing Office

Conditions: You are to assume responsibility of a Disbursing Office. You have access to: 1. DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14-R, Vol 5, Disbursing Policy. 2. Disbursing Office. 3. Applicable Physical Security Regulations. 4. Physical Security Inspection Form. 5. Historical Physical Security Paperwork. 6. AR 190-13, The Army Physical Security Program. 7. ATTP 3-19.30, Physical Security. This… Continue reading Ensure the Physical Security Compliance of a Disbursing Office

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Supervise Cashier Operations

Conditions: You require cashiers to conduct business and you have Soldier and civilian cashiers working for you. You have access to: a. DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14-R, Vol 5, Disbursing Policy and Procedures. b. Cashier cages or secure operating areas. c. Field safes. d. Written cashier standard operating procedures (SOP). e. General Office Supplies. f.… Continue reading Supervise Cashier Operations

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