Ensure the Physical Security Compliance of a Disbursing Office

Conditions: You are to assume responsibility of a Disbursing Office. You have access to:
1. DoD Financial Management Regulation 7000.14-R, Vol 5, Disbursing Policy.
2. Disbursing Office.
3. Applicable Physical Security Regulations.
4. Physical Security Inspection Form.
5. Historical Physical Security Paperwork.
6. AR 190-13, The Army Physical Security Program.
7. ATTP 3-19.30, Physical Security.
This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.

Standards: The standard will be met when you perform the following steps with 100% accuracy:
1. Personnel access is restricted to authorized personnel only.
2. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) are properly utilized (if applicable).
3. Vaults, safes, and other storage containers are properly used.
4. Cashier operations are secure.
5. Other physical security measures are in place.
