Administer Personnel Information Management

Action: Administer Personnel Information Management

Conditions: Given access to AR 600-8-1, AR 600-8-104, FM 1-0, applicable MILPER/ALARACT Messages, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables, and actors.

Standard: Students will meet the standard when they correctly:

  1. Communicate the mission of Personnel Information Data Management
  2. Define PIM responsibilities from the BDE S-1 through Theater Level
  3. Define PAS Management Responsibilities at BN and BDE S-1 Level
  4. Administer Manual Personnel Information Data Requirements and Management Tools
  5. Determine Official Documents Requirements
  6. Determine Official Documents Required in the Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS) and Ensure Official Documents are Uploaded to iPERMS

Lesson Content


R 600-8-1

AR 600-8-104

FM 1-0