02- SBR 12.01- Commitment Approval – Fund Approval

Audit Readiness Control
Audit Readiness Control

Practice this transaction

Provides the learner with a process flow of the end-to-end business process (Battle Drill). This process flow aides in understanding all players (entities) and tasks associated with completing the Battle Drill.

To provide sufficient documentation that demonstrates that an authorized individual reviews the purchase request (e.g., purchase requisition, GFEBS PR, outbound MIPR, memo of agreement, commitment document) to validate that sufficient funding is available within the appropriate LOA (e.g., appropriation, fiscal year, commitment item) for the purchase. The purchase request needs to be signed and dated by an authorized individual. Documentation should include a valid delegation of authority for the period referenced in the sample.

Example of Documentation Requested:

1. Purchase Requisition with evidence of funds certification approval to include the following (Required documentation):

* GFEBS Purchase Requisition that includes the screenshot that shows L4 certification or the “Changes in Requisition” screen which shows the release status for the L4 certification (release status of X to XX or release indicator of X to M)

* screenshot of the L4 approver’s name/EDIPI (Workflow for object: Object PR Number) – Must show L4 release language

*Account Assignment Tab (Includes the Line of Accounting information)

*evidence of the connection between the Purchase Order number in the sample and the Purchase Requisition

*screenshot of the username/individual tied to the EDIPI number

2. Delegation of authority for purchase requisition approver/certifier that applies to the sample transaction

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