04- SBR 11.01- Verify Delegation of Authority

Audit Readiness Control
Audit Readiness Control

Master this transaction

Provides the learner with a process flow of the end-to-end business process (Battle Drill). This process flow aides in understanding all players (entities) and tasks associated with completing the Battle Drill.

Fund Certifiers, Certifying Officers, Contracting Officers, and Grants Officers must have delegated authority to certify the availability of funding (commit and/or obligate) in GFEBS, certify invoices/vouchers for payment, award contracts, and award assistance instruments, respectively. This authority is evidenced by a delegation of authority letter for Fund Certifiers, a DD Form 577 for Certifying Officers, a warrant for Contracting Officers, and a statement of appointment or warrant for Grants Officers.

Example of Documentation Requested:

1. DD 577 for the commitment and obligation approver

2. Contract warrant for the Contracting Officer

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