Conduct Custodian of Postal Effects (COPE) Responsibility

Action: Conduct Custodian of Postal Effects

Conditions: In a classroom environment, given access to the following material and awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors.

  1. PS Forms 3294, 3368, 3369, 1590 and 17
  2. DD Forms 285, 2257, 8139 and 885
  3. Information pertaining to accountable postal equipment and serial numbers
  4. Stamps, stamped paper and cash of a Flexible Credit Account
  5. Information pertaining to blank money orders

Standard: The student will:

  1. Verify dollar value of flexible credit account
  2. Conduct audit using PS Form 3294
  3. Prepare PS Form 3544 (PO Receipt For Money)
  4. Complete PS Form 3369 (Consigned Credit Receipt) for new COPE
  5. Complete PS Form 3368 (Stamp Credit Examination Record)
  6. Audit Money Order Accounts (DD Form 885, Money Order Control Record)
  7. Designation and termination of COPE on DD Form 2257 and DD Form 285
  8. Prepare PS Form 3544 (USPS receipt for money or services & documentation for safe guarding combination) and PS Form 3977 (duplicate keys to containers)
  9. Conduct Inventory on a PS Form 1590 (Accountable Postal Equipment)
  10. Brief EagleCash Functions

Lesson Content


PS Form 3294

PS Form 3368

PS Form 3369

PS Form 1590

PS Form 17

DD Form 285

DD Form 2257

DD Form 8139

DD Form 885