14-TS-2111 C-FICO The Corps/Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) is deployed in support of units engaged in unified land operations in support of large-scale combat operations (LSCO) across multiple domains. Finance Companies (FICOs) are stationed throughout the Corps/ESC area of responsibility (AOR). The FICO provides tactical finance operations and mobile finance support teams (FSTs) to perform payment… Continue reading Conduct Disbursing Section Activities
Author: Steven Maxwell
Conduct Finance Support Operations
14-TS-2101 FICO The Corps/Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) is deployed in support of units engaged in unified land operations in support of large-scale combat operations (LSCO) across multiple domains. Finance Companies (FICOs) are stationed throughout the unit’s area of responsibility (AOR). The FICO Commander directs the overall operation and readiness posture of the FICO, to include… Continue reading Conduct Finance Support Operations
Conduct Commercial Vendor Service Section Activities
14-TS-2110 C-FICO The Corps/Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) is deployed in support of units engaged in unified land operations in support of large-scale combat operations (LSCO) across multiple domains. Finance Companies (FICOs) are stationed throughout the Corps/ESC area of responsibility (AOR). The FICO provides tactical finance operations and mobile finance support teams (FSTs) to perform payment… Continue reading Conduct Commercial Vendor Service Section Activities
FCS WTSP Testing
Finance Company (FICO) WTSPs Conduct Finance Support Operations Conduct Commercial Vendor Service Section Activities FINANCE SUPPORT CENTER (FISC) WTSPs Conduct Finance Support Center Cash Management Activities Conduct Finance Support Center Accounting Activities Conduct Finance Support Center Internal Control Activities Conduct Finance Support Center Automation Activities Conduct Finance Support Center Policy Procedures STAFF WTSPs Conduct G8… Continue reading FCS WTSP Testing
Staff Exercise Slides and other documents
CSS Testing Page
Module A – Common Core 1. Army Profession Describe the Army Doctrine Hierarchy 101 Think Critically and Creatively 102 Military Problem Solving Process 103 Write Effectively 104 Brief Effectively 105 Army Profession and the Army Professional Ethic 106 Army Leadership Requirements Model 107 Apply Army Ethical Standards for Decision-Making 108 Explain Organizational Leadership 109 Exert… Continue reading CSS Testing Page
Deliver key outputs: COA Analysis Brief
Lesson ID: 25
AAR / End of Lesson
Lesson ID: 24
Conduct sub-steps: Brief OPORD
Lesson ID: 23
Deliver key outputs: OPORD with relevant annexes per staff member
Lesson ID: 22