ITAR – Conduct Personnel Readiness Management (PRM)

Conditions: You are an HR NCO and have responsibility for personnel readiness in your unit and advising your commander on the status of subordinate units. ́ You have access to AR 220-1 (Army Unit Status Reporting and Force Registration-Consolidated Policies), AR 614-100 (Officer Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers), AR 614-200 (Enlisted Assignments and Utilization Management), FM 1-0 (Human Resources Support), Active Component Manning Guidance (ACMG), HQDA G-1 Personnel Planning Guidance for Overseas Contingency Operations (PPG) and HR enabling systems. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.

Standards: With a minimum of 70% accuracy, execute personnel readiness policies / procedures and interpret for the commander the current and project personnel readiness status of subordinate units.
