HR CO 12-TS-3003 Conduct Postal Platoon Operations

Conduct Postal Platoon Operations



The Military Mail Terminal Team (MMT) is deployed to support theater opening operations. A Human Resources Company (HR Co) with four postal platoons is deployed to augment the MMT. All required postal equipment is available. Communications between higher headquarters, supporting, and supported units are established and operational. Unit and higher headquarters tactical standing operation procedures (TSOPs) as well as all regulatory guidance are present. Terrorist and other hostile force sympathizers are operating in the area. Threat capabilities include information gathering, hostile force sympathizers, and terrorist activities in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) environment.

Establish the MMT, with other MMTs as the Army component of the Joint MMT, JMMT, at the inter-theater Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD). Prepare to receive mail for units and Army Post Offices (APOs) within the Area of Operations (AO) and dispatch mail from the AO theater elements prior to the beginning of mail flow. Upon establishment of MMT, dispatch incoming mail to units and APOs within 24 hours of receipt or as allowed by the tactical situation, and dispatch outgoing mail in accordance with Military Postal Services Agency (MPSA) and theater commander guidance as transportation assets permit.

Collective Tasks

12-CO-1253 Provide Postal Support (HR CO)

Supporting Individual Tasks

AIT805C-42A-1308Perform Unit Mailroom Operations
ALC805C-42A-3060Conduct Postal Operations
SLC805C-42A-4060Plan Unit Postal Operations
WOAC805C-420-7005Coordinate Theater Postal Operations
BOLC805C-42B-6109Manage Unit Postal Operations
CCC805C-42B-7106Implement Postal Operations Plans and Policies
Pstl Supv805C-LF4-3532Conduct Custodian of Postal Effects (COPE) Duties
Pstl Supv805C-LF4-3558Identify Military Postal Service Responsibilities
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1205Process Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1209Process International Mail
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1212Maintain Stamp Stock
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1218Process Mail
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1221Prepare Mail Transportation Documentation
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1230Conduct Postal Directory Functions
Pstl Ops805C-LF5-1526Report Suspected Postal Incidents
HR P&O805C-42H-8106Coordinate Deployed Postal Operations