HR Systems Qualifications EDAS

Action: Manage the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System  (EDAS)

Conditions: In a classroom environment given internet connectivity, a computer, EDAS Field User Manual, Supplements, access to the training database and an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors.

Standard: To meet the standard, the student must obtain a score of 80% or higher on a performance-based exam which includes the following learning activities:

  1. Establish Connection to PERnet / EDAS                                            
  2. Perform EDAS Functions

Lesson Content

edas system hr gunnery

agbolc edas pe ak hr gunnery

agbolc edas lp jun 15 hr gunnery

agbolc edas pe hr gunnery

agbolc edas jun 15 hr gunnery slides

agbolc edas slides

agbolc edas lp jan 16

agbolc edas wq ver b ak jan 16

agbolc edas wq ver b jan 16

agbolc edas wq ver a ak jan 16

agbolc edas wq ver a jan 16

agbolc edas pe ak
