Conduct Human Resources Sustainment Center Operations
The Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC), Human Resources Company (HR CO), and Human Resources Platoon (HR PLT) are deployed and supporting elements within the deployed Theater Army (TA). The supported command’s operations order (OPORD) is available. The Personnel Accountability/Personnel Readiness Management/Information Management (PA/PRM/PIM) Division has staff responsibility for maintaining the theater deployed database. The commander has issued his/her assessment and planning guidance for providing human resources support for casualty reporting operations within the theater area of operation (AO). The Casualty Operations Division (COD) has staff responsibilities for maintaining operations of the Theater Casualty Assistance Center (CAC). Casualty reports are being received from Casualty Liaison Teams (CLTs) and units within the theater. The combatant commander directs the commencement of Rest and Recuperation (R&R). Mail flow into the theater is to be managed to enhance morale while not impeding preparation for, and conduct of, Unified Land Operations. Communications are established with the Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA), Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Team, and Support Operations (SPO) Branch, Theater or Expeditionary Sustainment Commands (TSC/ESC), as appropriate. The Theater G1 coordinates for facilities and support. Theater personnel; military, DOD Civilians, and contractors, are proceeding to and returning from R&R areas. Communications between these echelons have been established. Requests for information and access to R&R areas are being received from supported units. Unit Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) as well as FM 1-0, ATP 4-93, ATP 4-94, AR 215-1, AR 600-8-1, AR 600-8-3, ATP 4-93, and DOD 4525.6-M are available. The division has appropriate connectivity to both Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router (NIPR) and Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR) Networks and access to all necessary automated personnel systems. Technical guidance is received from the Human Resources Command (HRC) and Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Center (CMAOC). Army Service Component Command (ASCC) G1 provides current theater guidance for casualty reporting and assistance. Communications are established with ASCC G1, Support Operations Branch (SPO), Theater Sustainment Command (TSC), Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC), as appropriate, and G1/S1s of all reporting units. Command and Control Information Systems (CCIS) are operational and passing information in accordance with Tactical Standing Operating Procedures (TSOP) and regulatory guidance. Threat capabilities include information gathering, hostile force sympathizers, and terrorist activities in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) environment. Some iterations of this task should be performed in MOPP 4.
Maintain communications links with all PATs and G1/S1s of all specified Army reporting elements. Provide the ASCC G1, SPO, TSC/ESC, and HRSC divisions all specified and directed reports within the timeline established. Identify and report all units to the ASCC G1 that exceed the two percent personnel accountability variance IAW TSOP, ATP 4-93, ATP 4-94, and FM 1-0. Establish and maintain communication links to HRC, CMAOC, ASCC G1, SPO, TSC/ESC, CLTs, MPSA, MMT, and supported G1/S1s. Submit initial and supplemental casualty reports to CMAOC within prescribed time lines. Verify and maintain all casualty data as specified in AR 600-8-1 and theater policies. Review and forward line of duty (LOD) and associated reports to CMAOC and other specified activities, as required, within the prescribed time line. Ensure incoming mail is dispatched to applicable units within 24 hours of receipt or as allowed by the tactical situation. Will ensure outgoing mail is dispatched in accordance with MPSA and theater commander guidance, as transportation assets permit. Coordinate mail distribution points with supported units. Ensure postal elements are adequately staffed and equipped to handle current and projected mail loads. Ensure postal elements are positioned to minimize transportation requirements and to provide maximum unit access to postal services. Ensure postal elements are scheduled for and inspected on a recurring basis consistent with the tactical situation.
Collective Tasks
Supporting Individual Tasks
WOAC | 805C-420-7004 | Administer Casualty Operations in Theater |
WOAC | 805C-420-7005 | Coordinate Theater Postal Operations |
SLC | 805C-42A-4060 | Plan Unit Postal Operations |
CCC | 805C-42B-7104 | Evaluate Personnel Strength Data |
CCC | 805C-42B-7107 | Develop Human Resources (HR) Planning and Operations Staff Products Using MDMP |
Pstl Supv | 805C-LF4-3558 | Identify Military Postal Service Responsibilities |
Pstl Ops | 805C-LF5-1205 | Process Domestic Mail Requiring Special Services |
Pstl Ops | 805C-LF5-1209 | Process International Mail |
Pstl Ops | 805C-LF5-1218 | Process Mail |
Pstl Ops | 805C-LF5-1221 | Prepare Mail Transportation Documentation |
Pstl Ops | 805C-LF5-1240 | Maintain Postal Supplies |
Pstl Ops | 805C-LF5-1526 | Report Suspected Postal Incidents |
Pstl Ops | 805C-LF5-3525 | Conduct Money Order Business |
Pstl Ops | 805C-LF5-1230 | Conduct Postal Directory Functions |
HR P&O | 805C-42H-8107 | Implement Human Resources (HR) Planning and Operations Using MDMP |
12-CTR-1224 Maintain the Theater Database (HRSC)
Supporting Individual Tasks
WOAC | 805C-420-6000 | Coordinate Personnel Accountability Functions |
SLC | 805C-42A-4041 | Analyze Human Resources Planning Considerations Using the MDMP |
WOAC | 805C-420-7001 | Manage Personnel Accountability |
HR P&O | 805C-42H-8107 | Implement Human Resources (HR) Planning and Operations Using MDMP |
12-CTR-1235 Maintain the Theater Casualty Assistance Center (HRSC)
Supporting Individual Tasks
WOAC | 805C-420-7004 | Administer Casualty Operations in Theater |
WOAC | 805C-420-7006 | Manage Evaluations Process |
12-CTR-1259 Maintain Theater Postal Services (HRSC)
Supporting Individual Tasks
SLC | 805C-42A-4060 | Plan Unit Postal Operations |
Pstl Supv | 805C-LF4-3558 | Identify Military Postal Service Responsibilities |