Prepare the Unit Status Report Action: Conditions: Standard: Lesson Content ALC Prepare USR Advance Sheet RC 805C-CBE2A213 ALC Prepare USR Advance Sheet Resident 805C-CBE2A213 ALC Prepare USR Lesson Plan 805C-CBE2A213 ALC Prepare USR Student Handout 805C-CBE2A213 CBE2A213 Prepare the USR Slides 805C-CBE2A213 CBE2A213 Prepare USR Lesson Change Summary Sheet 805C-CBE2A213 CBE2A213 Prepare USR PE 805C-CBE2A213 CBE2A213 Prepare USR PE AK 805C-CBE2A213 HQDA EXORD 070-19 Annex A - Active Component Manning Guidance Categories 805C-CBE2A213 References DA Pam 220-1