Conditions: You are assigned as a Postal Finance Clerk in a Military Post Office (MPO). You are required to protect the mail, prevent mismanagement of funds, and assist customers requesting to send an article of domestic mail. You have access to Department of Defense (DOD)
4525.6M (DOD Postal Manual), an Integrated Platform Scale and Postage Meter, several articles of mail, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), Notice 123,
RATEFOLD, USPS Label 11-B (Priority Express Mail Post Office to Addressee Label), rubber stamps (First Class, Priority and Retail Ground), and
calculator. This task should not be trained in MOPP 4.
Standards: Accept and process domestic mail by using the correct forms and endorsements; assess the correct amount of postage and fees, determine if mail is mailable and verify the customer’s authorization to use the MPO without error.